Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Quick Fix Day 6

The fidgeting continues. I wish I could know how many calories I'm actually burning.
Still no nuts. We are having an ice cream social at my office today, I love peanuts on my ice cream. I hope no one brings them.
I ate some ice cream in front of the tv last night, but I was careful about how much I put in my bowl. I took less than usual, oh, and it was sherbet not ice cream (did you know it's 'sherbet' and not 'sherbert'? I didn't until last night).
I haven't eaten a salad, so toppings aren't an issue. And we continue to use smaller plates. I haven't had any whipped toppings either.
Yesterday I was counting out a serving of chips with my lunch and I found myself trying to piece whole chips back together. It's rare that you find a whole chip toward the bottom of the bag you know? And I'm not going to eat 15 pieces instead of 15 chips... so there I was thinking, "well, these two pieces look like they could form a whole chip". I tried not to cheat and make jumbo chips. But I wish they would just say "an 1/8 of a cup" That'd be easier. As it turned out though, I didn't even eat my whole serving... I was eating them slowly, and I got full before I had all 15 chips. The secret was to eat the rest of my lunch first, instead of eating chips first like I normally do.

Moving On:
-Put your dinner on your plate in the kitchen, rather than taking all the food to the table and serving family style. --I grew up eating family style. So when I got married that's how I served dinner to my husband. And he'd always ask me "why do you dirty all these extra dishes? Just put my food on my plate in the kitchen". After about 6 months of that, I started dishing up our food in the kitchen... and I found it saved me a lot of time and work. I also have found that Ryan eats less. I put food on his plate and unless I say "there's plenty more in the kitchen, can I get you a second helping?" he doesn't eat any more than what I give him.
-Use soda water or juice for cocktails instead of syrup or cream -- I don't drink cocktails very often, and I never make them myself at home.

New item for today (#6) - Eat less pasta. According to the article I read, they aren't saying not to make pasta at home. But I guess the average restaurant portion is 480% of a single serving, adding up to a whopping 1,056 calories! We all know eating out is heck on a diet. And I think we all know if you order a pasta dish, you're going to be taking left overs home. Well, most of us do any way. I don't make a ton of pasta at home either, but when I do, I try to be really careful to not make much more than 2-3 servings. I eat a single serving (often less) and Ryan has his serving plus what I leave, and I save a half serving or so for lunch the next day if I can. I think we do pretty well here... but just last night I made a huge 9x13 pan of a pasta casserole. thankfully we didn't eat it all, but I'd say we ate almost half. whoops! I'm going to try to be more careful about serving size from now on. And I think I might try switching to a wheat pasta. Has anyone tried it??

That's my life!

1 comment:

  1. Love the whole "piecing chips together" thing - I can so picture you doing it too!!....With pastas, I always make a lot too and I used to just eat it as leftovers for a few days, but the last few times, I've actually froze the extras and plan to use them as an easy meal some other night! Using leftover so I don't have to pack a lunch is great, but using leftovers so I don't have to cook dinner is even better!! :-)
