Thursday, August 11, 2011

Quick Fix Day 7

Update: I'm noticing a trend. I start to do something healthy for myself (like my first attempt - jogging, or this - 25 ways to cut 500 calories a day) and I start to feel worse. I've come down with some sort of illness. Not sure what it is (a weird cold? strep throat? some other kind of infection?) but I feel terrible. As such, my blog will be short today. As an update - I'm still doing all the stuff on my list. Though yesterday (and so far today) fidgeting has decreased as I'd much rather curl up into a tiny ball and not move at all.

Moving On:
-Next on the list is: Eat with 6 or fewer people. It seems if you're in a group of 7 or more, you tend to eat more. I don't really understand that, but I can think of only 2 or 3 times in the last year I've been in a group of 7 or more where food was also included. All except one were work functions. So I'm not too worried about this one.
So #7 for me is - Leave 25% of your food on your plate. This one upsets me a little. I'm already using smaller plates. And I'm dishing my food up in the kitchen so I don't go back for seconds as easily. And now you want me to leave 25% of the little bit I take on my plate? I've always heard you should always leave some food on your plate (from a dietary perspective. Mom always said "it's rude not to clean your plate") but 25% seems like a lot to me. And let's be honest... if I know I have to leave 25% on my plate, won't I just take 25% more to begin with?  We'll see how it goes.

That's my life!


  1. I find it very motivating that you are 1) Not only sticking to this new health routine, but 2) You are recording your journey/progress on your blog!... I enjoy reading your posts every day and keep thinking to myself "I'm going to start blogging more" but, as you can guess, I have yet to write a second post on my site! :-)... So despite being ill, you should be rather impressed with yourself!

  2. Keep it up, Sarah!! You'll get over being sick and then you'll be good to go! You should get back into jogging as well. Your body is just not used to the changes so it's basically rebelling against you. But, once you are over the sickness, you can stick it to the sickness and move on with your goals/quick fixes!
